leddy(1) # NAME *leddy* - plain text accounting tool # DESCRIPTION *leddy* is a read-only plain text accounting tool. It parses text files containing financial transactions, as in a general ledger, and aggregates or searches through them in varying ways depending on the passed command. For safety, because it has the potential to parse sensitive and precise financial data, *leddy* never modifies any files. *leddy* expects a file format that differs somewhat from that of other plain text accounting tools. The file format is documented in *leddy*(5). # USAGE *leddy* expects a number of flags followed by a command. All flags must precede the command. The available flags are as follows: *-b* _date_ Ignore entries prior to the provided date. Date must be provided in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) format. Default is _null_. *-e* _date_ Ignore entries after the provided date. Date must be provided in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) format. Default is _null_. *-f* _/path/to/ledgerfile_ The ledger file to parse. This is always required. No default. *-q* Include Equity accounts in balance sheet reports. Has no effect on other reports. *-z* Include zero balance accounts. By default, these are hidden, except on trial balance reports. The available commands are as follows: *tb* Print a trial balance report. This is a report showing the balances of all accounts, and can be used for purposes including a general overview of all activity in a given time, verifying that the ledger balances, etc. *bs* Print a balance sheet report. This is a report showing the balances of each asset, liability and equity account at a given point in time. It typically does not make conceptual sense to pass a *-b* parameter to a balance sheet report, because all transactions prior to a given point in time should be incorporated into a balance sheet. For financial reporting, balance sheets contain equity accounts. For most people, however, equity accounts are not terribly useful, so *leddy* does not show them by default on balance sheets. You can pass a flag (as indicated in the prior section) to show these if you wish. *is* Print an income statement report. This is a report showing the activity of each income and expense account between two given points in time. *leddy* produces these in a standard way without deviation from typical accounting principles. Users unfamiliar with double-entry accounting should note that income details are typically entered as credits, and expenses are typically debits. Ordinary income looks negative on a balance sheet, and *leddy* does not hide this from the user. *fx* Print an exchange rates report. This is a report showing the exchange rates that are implied to exist between currencies or commodities when multiple currencies appear in the same entry. For example, if you write an entry that debits 10 USD from an account and credits 15 CAD to another, *leddy* assumes the entry is meant to balance and an exchange rate of 1.5 CAD per USD is implied. The report only prints the final implied exchange rate between each pair on each date. If multiple exchange rates were implicitly created for each day, only the one from the last such entry on that date is shown on the report. See *leddy*(5) for more details on using *leddy* with multiple currencies.