# leddy minimal plain text accounting tool `leddy` is a [plain text accounting](https://plaintextaccounting.org/) tool, inspired by similar tools like [ledger](https://ledger-cli.org/), [hledger](https://hledger.org/) and [beancount](https://beancount.github.io/). It is implemented in [Hare](https://harelang.org) with an emphasis on parsing speed, specificity and correctness, and is geared toward the accounting needs of individuals. (That's somewhat by necessity because it is a young and modest project.) `leddy` uses a unique ledger format that differs slightly from other plain text accounting tools. Most notably, no row contents are inferred, so leaving an amount blank to auto-balance it with the prior row is not allowed. Other nuances, largely implemented at the author's preference, may exist; consulting the man pages is recommended, but overall it should not feel intimidating to those familiar with other plain text accounting tools. An example ledger file exists in the repo. # Installation Requires a working [Hare](https://harelang.org) toolchain. `scdoc` is optional, but required if you want the man pages. ``` make sudo make install ``` # Usage * Trial balance: `leddy -f /path/to/ledgerfile tb` * Balance sheet (by default, equity and zero-balance accounts omitted): `leddy -f /path/to/ledgerfile bs` * Balance sheet (traditional): `leddy -f /path/to/ledgerfile -qz bs` * Income statement for 2024: `leddy -f /path/to/ledgerfile -b 2024-01-01 -e 2024-12-31 is` * Balance sheet on 10-31-2023: `leddy -f /path/to/ledgerfile -e 2023-10-31 bs` * Summary of currency conversion rates observed in Jan 2022: `leddy -f /path/to/ledgerfile -b 2022-01-01 -e 2022-01-31 fx` # Contributing This is a modest project with modest goals, but patchsets are welcome. The goal of this project is not to create a feature-competitive replacement for any of the projects mentioned above. Emphasis is on simplicity and comprehensibility.